Oktoberfest 2022

Days are getting shorter – but that’s no reason to be dreary, it just means it’s time to announce Oktoberfest 2022!

That’s right! The Oktoberfest tournament is back to its full 2-day self and will be running Oct 15-16th, 2022!


  • Co-ed 7v7 with Gender Rule A (ABBA Format)
  • US Ultimate Rules
  • Location: Kiwanis Park, Kitchener
  • Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday October 15th and Sunday October 16th.
  • Game length and tournament structure TBD (based on number of teams registered)
  • Cost: $700/ team
  • Note: Alcohol will not be permitted at the fields.

Player Screening Protocols:

  • If you are sick, stay home and follow Public Health Ontario’s isolation requirements. If you are unsure if you may have COVID 19, please use the Ontario self-assessment tool.
  • If you or one of your close contacts test positive for COVID-19, you must follow the directions of the Public Health Ontario representatives and immediately notify us by emailing communications@wods.ca.

While we aim to provide a safe environment to play ultimate in, please note that participating in this event increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19. 

If you or people in your social circle are part of particularly vulnerable groups (e.g., seniors, have a respiratory illness, or are immunocompromised), we discourage participation in the event (but hope to see you in the future, when it’s safer!).

Questions? Please contact Gavin at events@wods.ca.

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